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Not Business as Usual

Not Business as Usual

I saw a post from a financial advisor the other day. You remember the day probably; it was the one where the Dow Jones fell over 1000 ... read more

What is intrinsic value???

What is intrinsic value???

We talk about intrinsic value here from time to time. In order to define intrinsic value, we need to explain what it is not. It is ... read more

Avoid These 4 Types of Delusional Thinking to Protect Your Investments

Avoid These 4 Types of Delusional Thinking to Protect Your Investments

Is Intelligence a Handicap in Investing? Being really smart is mostly a good thing in life. Smart people tend to live longer, earn ... read more

Revolutionize Your Financial Journey with Your Personal Financial Website from eMoney

Revolutionize Your Financial Journey with Your Personal Financial Website from eMoney

Do you have a clear view of your financial picture? Efficiently managing finances in the digital age is crucial for financial ... read more

2023 Has Taken Us By Surprise… a Second Quarter Update

2023 Has Taken Us By Surprise… a Second Quarter Update

To say the first half of 2023 took me by surprise would be an understatement. Despite numerous negative factors that should be causing ... read more

Top 3 Stressors Facing Retirees (and How to Plan for Them)

Top 3 Stressors Facing Retirees (and How to Plan for Them)

Retirement is a time for pursuing your passions, reaping the fruits of your life’s work, and making the most out of life. But there ... read more

Why Your Financial Advisor Should Help With Your Estate Plan

Why Your Financial Advisor Should Help With Your Estate Plan

Two Case Studies Showing How It's Helpful to Have a Great Financial Advisor Help With Your Estate Planning You've "planned" your ... read more

First Quarter of 2023 Reflection and What’s Next for Financial Markets

First Quarter of 2023 Reflection and What’s Next for Financial Markets

This time it's different. No really, it is. How many times have you heard that about the financial markets? And things end up not so ... read more

Small Business Succession Planning Checklist

Small Business Succession Planning Checklist

You have built your business and you've seen success, but now you're ready to plan for a life after years of hard work. The best time ... read more

2022 in Retrospect: Looking back helps us envision a brighter future

2022 in Retrospect: Looking back helps us envision a brighter future

So we’ve wrapped up another year – not a good one for most investors. Stocks, as measured by the S&P 500, dropped 19%. The ... read more

Random Thoughts from Steve to Finish Out 2022

Random Thoughts from Steve to Finish Out 2022

Your gift this holiday season -- a peek inside the mind of Investment Advisor Steve Henry! If you've known Steve for a while then you ... read more

What Happens When you Don’t Plan? Nightmare Estate Plan Scenarios

What Happens When you Don’t Plan? Nightmare Estate Plan Scenarios

Tales From the Estate Planning Crypt... aka What Happens When You Don't Plan Even though Halloween is over, and Thanksgiving is upon ... read more

Steve’s 3rd Quarter Update: How Are Things Going?

Steve’s 3rd Quarter Update: How Are Things Going?

Barring a huge rally in the coming months, 2022 has been the most difficult investing year of my lifetime. This goes back to my first ... read more

How Wealth Management Can Benefit Just About Anyone

How Wealth Management Can Benefit Just About Anyone

You see the ads all the time. People in well-tailored suits catering to other well-dressed successful people. They would have you ... read more

How a Financial Advisor Can Help a Small Business Owner

How a Financial Advisor Can Help a Small Business Owner

A financial advisor may seem like a luxury for many folks (though we would challenge you on that opinion). However, a trusted ... read more

Always Take the Long View on the Market!

Always Take the Long View on the Market!

"I was hoping you'd get my money out of the market since a recession is coming," said an irritated client. So, what was I to ... read more

Beware of Broker-sold Annuities — A Case Study

Beware of Broker-sold Annuities — A Case Study

"Boy, I sure got rich buying that annuity!" "I can't wait until the new annuities come out!" Said no one ever. After all, ... read more

Will My Investments Come Back?

Will My Investments Come Back?

    Summer is the time for picnics, outdoor fun, and high school reunions, but there’s also a lot of concern about what ... read more

Announcing our NEW 401k management service!

Announcing our NEW 401k management service!

MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 529s For years I (Steve) have been searching for a tool to help clients manage their 401k ... read more

How Financial Advisors Can Help Create an Effective Estate Plan

How Financial Advisors Can Help Create an Effective Estate Plan

What does estate planning have to do with your financial advisor? Today I want to talk about why Estate Planning is on our services ... read more

Steve’s Thoughts on the First Quarter 2022

Steve’s Thoughts on the First Quarter 2022

The first quarter of 2022 started out pretty poorly for most investors. The S&P 500 stock index declined 11% during the first 16 ... read more

Wealth Management 101: What is it? And do I need it?

Wealth Management 101: What is it? And do I need it?

Your earliest recollection of wealth management may be balancing your checkbook with Mom on Sunday nights. Or Dad explaining why that ... read more

5 Tips to Help You Get Started on a Business Succession Plan

5 Tips to Help You Get Started on a Business Succession Plan

You’re proud of the business you’ve built over the years. But at some point, you’ll be ready for your next adventure. And your ... read more

How to Build Your Portfolio for the Coming Decade

How to Build Your Portfolio for the Coming Decade

How to Build and Protect Your Portfolio in the Coming Decade So the future forecast for stock and bond returns looks dismal, doesn't ... read more

What the Most Savvy Investors Know About the Coming Decade

What the Most Savvy Investors Know About the Coming Decade

The above chart doesn't look good, does it? In fact, it looks like something I wouldn't want any part of. Let me ... read more

Retirement & Taxes: Watch Out for 7 Things That Could Trip You Up

Retirement & Taxes: Watch Out for 7 Things That Could Trip You Up

Thinking about retirement? Here are 7 tax items to consider... Many people envision a retirement that's more carefree than their ... read more

4 Steps to Mastery and How We Apply Them to Investing

4 Steps to Mastery and How We Apply Them to Investing

Mastery. When you hear the word, you know you’ve run across something or someone that’s uncommonly good. Maybe you know a master ... read more

6 Things to Watch in 2022

6 Things to Watch in 2022

What investors should watch in 2022... Welcome to 2022! I hope it will be a healthy, happy year for everyone reading this. While ... read more

Is Rebalancing Your Investment Portfolio Beneficial?

Is Rebalancing Your Investment Portfolio Beneficial?

Many investment firms recommend a periodic rebalancing of one's portfolio. Let’s look at what rebalancing means and why you’ll not see ... read more

The Future of Chinese Stocks in U.S. Exchanges

The Future of Chinese Stocks in U.S. Exchanges

What is the future of Chinese stocks in U.S. Exchanges? It is no secret that China's overall strategy is to become the main player in ... read more

Why CSH Invests in Individual Securities and NOT Mutual Funds

Why CSH Invests in Individual Securities and NOT Mutual Funds

If you've been investing for any length of time, you've probably owned some mutual funds. And many wonder which is better -- mutual ... read more

Bubbles: What are they and why does everybody get so “excited” about them?

Bubbles: What are they and why does everybody get so “excited” about them?

So, what is a Bubble? A bubble is a rapid, unjustified acceleration in the price of something. The price uptick is typically driven ... read more

Estate Planning Should Include the Next Generation

Estate Planning Should Include the Next Generation

I remember the day we met with our attorney to get our estate planning done. It was the middle of summer during the week. Do you know ... read more

How to Train a Turtle: Lessons from a Rogue Trader

How to Train a Turtle: Lessons from a Rogue Trader

When it comes to investing, there are many ways to skin a cat, like my friend likes to say. Investing is a discipline that has many ... read more

Rule of Thumb Financial Advice Can Be Dangerous

Rule of Thumb Financial Advice Can Be Dangerous

Vivian Brownlee was a widow who inherited stock from her husband. He was an astute investor who had the wherewithal to invest in a ... read more

Steve’s Favorite Quotes on Investing

Steve’s Favorite Quotes on Investing

"You never know who's swimming naked until the tide goes out..." This is one of my favorite Warren Buffett quotes. What on earth ... read more

2nd Quarter 2021 Update: A (Brief!) History Lesson and Look Ahead

2nd Quarter 2021 Update: A (Brief!) History Lesson and Look Ahead

Where Are We Today? A Sense of History As someone who has been in the markets for at least 35 years now, I've realized just how ... read more

Annuities, Insurance and CDs — How CSH Can Help

Annuities, Insurance and CDs — How CSH Can Help

Here's a call I always hated to get in the past from clients: "Hey Steve, I've got this annuity and would like to do something with ... read more

The Nixon Penny and What You Need to Know About Inflation

The Nixon Penny and What You Need to Know About Inflation

The Nixon penny. A product of the early 1970’s. I'm old enough to remember it. The incredible shrinking pocket book. Inflation was ... read more

Who’s “Coaching” Your Investments?

Who’s “Coaching” Your Investments?

John Hughes was mystified. He had been in the insurance industry for 30 years, but he had never seen anything quite like ... read more

Why You Should Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Why You Should Subscribe to Our Newsletter

At CSH Investments, we believe that something as personal as financial planning deserves professional guidance that is just as ... read more

1st Quarter 2021 Update: Thoughts on Herd Behavior

1st Quarter 2021 Update: Thoughts on Herd Behavior

"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, ... read more

How to Buy/Sell a Business With $0 Down

How to Buy/Sell a Business With $0 Down

The right front fender of the little red Pontiac Firebird was hanging down and grazing the curb. Obviously, it had seen better days. ... read more

Value vs Price: You Better Know the Difference

Value vs Price: You Better Know the Difference

People talk about price ALL the time. "This stock is selling for this..." or "I bought this stock at this and sold it at ... read more

10 Things Every Executor Needs to Keep in Mind

10 Things Every Executor Needs to Keep in Mind

There's plenty of advice out there for executors, but it generally comes from the perspective of estate planning attorneys. While they ... read more

Why Owning ONLY Stocks and Bonds Won’t Protect You

Why Owning ONLY Stocks and Bonds Won’t Protect You

"The Traditional 60-40 Investment Portfolio is Dead" This was a headline from a Bank of America report. They probably should have ... read more

From Golf Pro to Financial Advisor: Meet Advisor Robbie Johnson

From Golf Pro to Financial Advisor: Meet Advisor Robbie Johnson

Being a member of the investment team at CSH has exceeded my expectations. Of course, it doesn't always work out that way when you ... read more

A Behind the Scenes Look at How a Trusted Advisor Saved Graceland

A Behind the Scenes Look at How a Trusted Advisor Saved Graceland

This is the tale of smart estate planning, good business succession, wise wealth management, and the importance of an advisor you can ... read more

10 Reasons to Work with CSH Investment Management LLC

10 Reasons to Work with CSH Investment Management LLC

Recently we shared with you the top ten questions you should ask when interviewing a potential financial advisor. It’s essential to ... read more

3 Irrational Investing Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

3 Irrational Investing Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

Studies say that 15% of the time when we are absolutely, positively certain we’re right about something, we're actually wrong. That's ... read more

10 Things to Ask a Financial Advisor to Make Sure They’re the Best

10 Things to Ask a Financial Advisor to Make Sure They’re the Best

Are you in the market for a financial advisor? You’ve come to the right place! It can be hard to find a committed advisor to help ... read more

Why Insiders Don’t Want You to Know the Mutual Fund is Obsolete

Why Insiders Don’t Want You to Know the Mutual Fund is Obsolete

Most investors are familiar with the term "mutual funds." If you've invested for any length of time I'm sure you've owned some. Major ... read more

10 Reasons Not to Leave Your 401(k) With Your Old Employer

10 Reasons Not to Leave Your 401(k) With Your Old Employer

Leaving your 401(k) with your old employer may seem like the easiest option, but the easiest option is rarely the best thing to do. ... read more

Why Stock Splits Aren’t as Important as You Think They Are

Why Stock Splits Aren’t as Important as You Think They Are

Maybe you've heard this before... "I wanna buy XYZ stock because it's going to split and I'll have more shares."Stock splits are ... read more